Build Quick YTD,MTD Reports on Opportunities,Proactively notify your sales team on closing opportunities with Free Steve MO Package

If you are an existing salesforce user and have asked a question on the salesforce community on reports, you would always be surprised with a quick answer from the Boston Nerd Steve Mo (You owe me a Beer) immediately. For those who are Steve MO fans, this post is for you. I am not sure how many of you guys noticed a free unmanaged package Steve Mo published on his great formula fields on Opportunity. This post will help you to install the package, provide you guidelines on how to use some of the fields and delight your users!! So here we go on how to use it

Report on Opportunities won, open and closed by any date

If you are looking for a quick salesforce report on opportunities where you want to sum the dollar amounts closed, open, won, lost  per month, quarter or any time frame quickly, Steve Mo formula fields are there for you to use immediately.

By leveraging his already prebuilt formula fields which are shown above like $Amount(won), $Amount(lost), you can easily create an opportunity report and show up the totals for each stage for any time frame. Quick and Easy!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Notify Users on Opportunities Closing soon

Imagine how your sales reps and managers would feel if they are notified by Salesforce that an opportunity is closing this month or they just have only a few days to close!! Instead of just bombarding them with a zillion tasks, a simple workflow on notifying the sales team on opportunities closing will help you to increase revenue for your company and get applauds from the management.

You can easily use the above checkbox fields on your workflows, process builder to notify users to act and close the sale.

Report on opportunities closing MTD and YTD

If you are doing a report for your sales teams on opportunities which are closed Month to Date or Year to Date, you can leverage his existing formula fields Close Date(MTD), Close Date(YTD) checkboxes to quickly generate  a summary report and let your management know on the totals for the current month.

Report on Lapsed Opportunities

If you are trying to report on opportunities which have been lapsed or If you want to let your sales team know that they have not updated opportunities in a long time, His Lapsed field (formula) helps you do it. It is a simple check box which would be turned on if any opportunities close date is less than today. You can leverage this report to do a quick clean up on your dead opportunities in your org.

Where do I get this package and How to install it.

If you want to install this package and leverage it immediately, you can look at this post by Steve Mo on Linked In and get the free package asap.

So here is 3 key takeaways from this great package.

  1. You can easily generate reports on opportunities closed ,open and lost for any time frame.
  2. Automate and delight your sales teams on opportunities closing soon
  3. Do a clean up on dead opportunities or let your sales team act on them.

As always feel free to post your comments below or email me at for further questions. Lastly Steve does a great job on the community by answering your report questions and so you can always donate him a beer when you see him!! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

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Author: buyan47

Hi there! My name is Buyan Thyagarajan. I am a Salesforce consultant specializing in Higher Education, Manufacturing and Marketing Automation. My blogs will help you to maximize your Salesforce CRM investments, prevent problems beforehand and make the right decisions. If you need to talk to me right away, you can email me at or call me at 302-438-4097

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