Summer 17 for higher ed for Marketing, Recruitment which gives more power, prevent problems and make life easy

If you are a university using Salesforce or planning to use salesforce, here is the list of features in summer 17 which would help you to reduce problems, add more power to your existing features and make life easy for your admissions and marketing folks.

Marketing Department Features.

  1. Add your students to campaigns from Reports on Custom objects

Most of the marketing departments in higher ed generate reports on prospective and registered students based on different criterias like maling campaigns, print campaigns etc. The pain had been to easily add these students from a report especially when you use custom objects or custom report types. So if you want to add a students to a campaign easily from a contact application reports, summer 17 makes it happen. You now have the ability to add students from a report to a campaign.

Easily add students to campaign

2 . Show Campaign reports on accounts

One of the least used features in higher ed is campaign influence. If you have multiple drip campaigns for prospective students and if you find click through happening on multiple steps, why not give the campaigns credit for it? Now if you are a continuing education school running campaigns for companies and want to generate campaign reports on your accounts, summer 17 makes it happen. Now you can campaign influence reports on account pages. 😎

3. Easily sort your campaign members in your campaign pages

Remember the annoying feature where you are looking at a campaign and not able to sort the campaign members easily!! How many clicks to view all the campaign members. With summer 17, you can easily sort the campaign members easily.

Make Your Life Easy

  1. Add emails in Outlook quickly

If you are using outlook and using Salesforce for outlook plugin tool, it is time to replace the tool with Lightning for Outlook. This tool helps to easily look up your student records, add tasks and attach the records easily. In summer 17, you can easily pin the lighting for outlook tool which would help to view records in salesforce easily as you are viewing emails in Salesforce.

2. Easy search for Opportunities

If you are using opportunities which most of the higher ed folks fail to use, the challenge is how to search for them easily. In summer 17, opportunities would easily show up on the search results if you search by account name. So if you are searching for your continuing education companies, opportunities or courses would show up on the search results easily.


More Power

  1. Note taking made easy and powerful

Note taking has  always been a pain in salesforce. With summer 17, new feature of note has been added which helps to easily add notes, a good editor to make text bold and view notes by dates have been added. This is a feature which you should always leverage.

2. Default values for picklist based on profile, record type and more

With summer17, you can now set default values for picklist using formula fields. This is a great feature if you have different types of students. So if you have students in salesforce with record types like prospective students, registered students, program level students and want to set a default status for them when you add them, this would make it happen.

3. Lead to contact duplicate feature

For higher eds who are still using leads, one of the pain points is finding duplicates from leads to contacts which causes data quality issues. Now with summer 17, you can create a lead to contact duplicate management feature which would automatically notify the user when he creates a lead if the student is a registered student as a contact or notify admin on duplicates which can easily cleaned.

4. Salesforce Einstein Available in your org

With summer 17, now you can have your salesforce org available for Einstein. You can turn off Einstein features in your org and get a report on what features are available on your org by Einstein. Now I want to warn you that there will be some costs to the products and available only on lightning. Have you upgraded to Lightning yet!!! 🙄  On a high level, Einstein will help in the following

a. Help recruiters and advisors to easily add tasks or automate task creation.

b. Add the right contact to the opportunity by leveraging Salesforce einstein. This is another reason to use Opportunities. 🙂


Student and Alumni Communities

  1. View performance of your community pages  If you have communities for your prospective students and alumni and have built some custom visual force pages, there is a new BETA feature which would show you stats on how the pages perform. With this you can make the pages quick to load thereby increasing adoption with your student and alumni community.

2. Deploy communities from Sandbox to Production using Changeset

With summer 17, you can now deploy your community changes using change sets. This is a welcome sign compared to the older of painfully doing the changes in production. So now you can test the changes in a sandbox and deploy them to production reducing your community pages downtime. :mrgreen:

3. Make communities Google search engine friendly

If you want your communities to show up on google and other search engine results, SEO optimization is important. Now you can have search engine friendly domain names which will have communities show up on search results faster.

For Developers

  1. Beware of your API version of your apex classes  and visual force pages 

If you have apex classes and visual force pages using the old api version, it is time to upgrade these classes to the new API version. If you do not upgrade your api, you will have impacts on future salesforce releases. So to find the classes and visual force pages using the new api version, you need to run the optimizer tool which would help you generate a quick report  on it. Now to generate the optimizer, you can search for optimizer in setup and you can run it which will send a report . See the below screen shot on the api report.

As always feel free to post your valuable feature of summer 17 and your comments below. Feel free to reach out to me at for questions and if you want a power point deck which highlights these features only which you can show it to your users.


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Author: buyan47

Hi there! My name is Buyan Thyagarajan. I am a Salesforce consultant specializing in Higher Education, Manufacturing and Marketing Automation. My blogs will help you to maximize your Salesforce CRM investments, prevent problems beforehand and make the right decisions. If you need to talk to me right away, you can email me at or call me at 302-438-4097

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