Debugging SItes errors on the message error has occured

If you have a lot of visual force pages on sites, one of the challenges is fixing the error has occurred error message on…

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Handling error has occured errors on visual force pages on sites

If you are using a site and having a lot of visual force pages, you would encounter an error message which is error has…

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Track your site logins by Hour and day

If you have a site and would like to track the user login history report by hour, you would find the login history report…

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Debugging patterns for programmers who pull their hair off on “The page submitted is invalid for session” on site..

As a programmer debugging on site pages is always a night mare and the reasons are obvious. We do not get exceptions handled if…

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Another approach to send do-not-reply email id for emails generated from sites

If you have a site and let us say you want to use a do not reply email id as the from email id…

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Changing email display names to custom names on sites

If you are sending a custom email on site using apex on a feature like forgot password or username, one of the challenges is…

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Locking Accounts with invalid login attempts using sites

One of the limitations of sites is the lockout feature which will not work out of the box on portals or sites. So…

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Site.create user account creation issue on Multiple language website

If you have a multiple language website like spanish and you are trying to create a portal user account for a spanish user, the site.createPortaluser…

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Creating a custom Change password page using sites and solving issues with dreaded Site.Login and Change password..

If you are using a site and you are trying to use a custom change password page, it is a nightmare to debug issues…

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How to resolve issues with Site.CreatePortalUser returning Null using sites.

One of the annoying issues with sites is creating a portal user whether it is a person account or business account. The real issue…

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