Author: John Provencal
John Provencal is the Manager, Technology, Digital Transformation & Customer Experience for BlueScope Coated Products North America. He has spent 30 years in the marketing industry- the last 12 years focusing on digital marketing & strategy, digital transformation, and the Customer Experience journey. John is also part of BlueScope’s global digital leadership team. He has completed digital marketing, transformation, and customer experience executive programs from Cornell University, The Digital Marketing Institute, Google, University of Berkley Hass School of Business, University of California, Irvine, as well as California State University-Chico, where he serves on the digital marketing advisory council. He can be reached at
The B2B CX Shift: Why Manufacturers Must Prioritize Customers Now
John Provencal March 18, 2023
Customer Experience (CX) is no longer limited to (B2C) entities. More and more (B2B) customers are looking for the same type of (B2C) experience from…
How to develop marketing digital transformation to drive brand and demand generation in the manufacturing segment.
John Provencal November 6, 2021
When you think about digital transformation in the manufacturing segment, you think capacity planning, process modeling, robotics, workflow optimization, artificial intelligence for inventory management, and…