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4 Points to Consider for a Rollback Plan Ensuring a Stress-Free Org Merger

Merging Salesforce org is a common occurrence in the world of Salesforce administration. However, as with any major change, it’s essential to have a plan in place to address any issues that may arise during the merge process. One critical component of any good merger plan is a rollback plan.

A rollback plan is essentially a contingency plan for if something goes wrong during the merge process. It outlines the steps that need to be taken to revert the merge and restore both orgs to their pre-merge state. Here are the key components you should consider while creating a rollback plan for org merges using Salesforce:

Metadata Rollback

Metadata changes are an essential part of any Salesforce org merge. To ensure the metadata is rolled back correctly, you should commit all metadata changes to source control, leverage CI tools like Copado or Gearset that have in-built capabilities, and take snapshots of metadata in your backup solution. Here is the sequence of activities that you need to plan for in a Metadata rollback.

Moreover, some metadata types are not supported by the metadata API, and you should create a run book to manually populate them.

Data Rollback

During an org merge, data is the most crucial element to consider, and you need to identify the system of source for all objects in Salesforce. You should also create a data sequence plan of which objects need to be populated first, second, and end. Identifying objects with external ids that have links to external objects is essential, and you should work with backup vendors to repopulate all data from your backup solution.

Before you start on a data rollback plan, you need to do the following.

You can see the below screenshot for examples of the scenarios.

Here are key considerations to be followed when you plan for a data rollback plan.

Security Impact

During the rollback process, identifying record owners for all objects in Salesforce is crucial. You should also identify the impact of record owners for all major objects with respect to access and permissions, such as leads, accounts, cases, opportunities, and contacts.

Additionally, you should identify users who have been terminated, or out of the office, and have a plan for alternate users to ensure record access. Furthermore, you should identify any profiles, permission sets, and role changes during rollback, do an impact assessment, and restore changes manually. You should also identify users modified with profiles, roles, permission sets, and rollback after impact only.

Integration Rollback

Identifying the system of source for all objects in Salesforce is vital during the rollback process. You should also identify integrations inbound to Salesforce and integrations outbound from Salesforce.

For integration inbound to Salesforce, you should have a plan for sequencing which records from the backup has to be restored first. Additionally, stop integration jobs and rerun them based on the sequence. For integrations outbound from Salesforce, do a sequence impact and identify the right sequence to send data to external systems. Also, stop outbound integrations and execute them manually if needed.

Moreover, you should identify objects that have date dependencies like orders, price books, and opportunities and have a plan for dates based on external system conversation. For real-time integrations, stop real-time integrations and do a sequence impact. Manually run real-time integrations once data is synced between systems. Here are some rules to be followed to keep systems in sync.

Points to Consider

As always, feel free to post below for any questions or email me at buyan@eigenx.com for further questions.

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